


Rochester Grade School Images 1953-1961

Rochester Grade School 1959-1960:

(Help: If you have or know someone who has any of the missing class photos, please EMail us at!)

FIRST GRADE: 1953-1954

Mrs. Ruege's 1st Grade Students:

Front Row: Lynn _____, Gary Van Auken, Mike Crews, Howard Bodin, Faith _____, Charlene Haynes, Richard Kangas, Lois Carlson, Susan ____, Jerry ____, Mark Robbins

Second Row: Linda Tapper, Sandy Oviatt, Camille Strand, Lorna ______, Stanley Hall, Gary Seymour, Nellie Pankuk, Steven Wise, Oma Threlfall, Gloria Countryman

Top Row: Mrs. Ruege, Patty Englund, Gail Baxa, Maurice DuPuis, Georgie Stiles, Lauraine Garske, Rodney ______, Vic Fagerness, Leslie Larson

SECOND GRADE: 1954-1955

Mrs. Haskin's 2nd Grade Students:

Front Row: Fred Fredrickson, _________, _________, Ed Camus, Bill Scalf, Maurice DuPuis, _________, Lois Carlson, ________

Second Row: Camille Strand, Linda Tapper, Stanley Hall, _________, Sandy Oviatt, Oma Threlfall, _________, _________, _________, _________, Mrs. Haskin

Top Row: _________, Garvin Decker, Gary Seymour, Penny Qualey, Vic Fagerness, Nellie Pankuk, Georgie Stiles, Patty Englund, ________, Gary Van Auken

THIRD GRADE: 1955-1956


FOURTH GRADE: 1956-1957

Mrs. Bigler's 4th Grade Students:

Front Row: _________ , Fred Fredrickson, Lois Carlson, _________, __________, Maurice DuPuis, Sandy Caswell, Ed Camus, Penny Qualey

Second Row: _________, Camille Strand, Linda Tapper, Gloria Countryman, __________, Teresa Caswell, Pat Cooper, __________, Mrs. Bigler

Top Row: Ray Betts, Gary Van Auken, __________, __________, Garvin Decker, __________, Vic Fagerness, Georgie Stiles

FIFTH GRADE: 1957-1958

Mrs. Farnum's 5th Grade Students:

Front Row: Fred Fredrickson, Lois Carlson, _________, _________

Second Row: Gary Seymour, Ray Betts, Garvin Decker, Gary Van Auken, Ed Camus, _________

Third Row: Linda Tapper, Nellie Pankuk, Penny Qualey, Camille Strand, Oma Threlfall, Leslie Larson, Georgie Stiles, Teresa Caswell, Mrs. Farnum

Top Row: Gloria Countryman, Sandy Oviatt, _________, Vic Fagerness, Lee Vaughn, Floyd Grandorff, Sandy Caswell, Pat Cooper

SIXTH GRADE: 1958-1959

Mr. De Graaff's 6th Grade Students:

Front Row: Sally Slusher, Carol Gehrman, Melody Ralston, Leta Blurton, Gary Van Auken, Mike Foister, Gary Seymour

Second Row: Sue James, Alan Ritchey, Lee Vaughn, Pat Cooper, Bonnie Schrader, Gloria Countryman, Sandy Caswell, Mr. De Graaff

Top Row: Leslie Larson, Curt King, Linda Tapper, Sandy Oviatt, Oma Threlfall, Camille Strand, Jim Crank, Ray Betts

SEVENTH GRADE: 1959-1960

Mr. Westermann's 7th Grade Students (class photo):

Front Row: Fred Fredrickson, Mike Foister, Ted Billman, Dan Taylor

Second Row: Bill Scalf, Dale Ames, LaVern Delaney, Ray Betts, Carol Gehrman, Leta Blurton, Lauraine Garske, Garvin Decker, George Wickholm, Jim Crank

Third Row: George Bangert, Penny Qualey, Virginia Davis, Oma Threlfall, Sue James, Leslie Larson, Sandy Oviatt, Linda Tapper, Sally Slusher, Maurice DuPuis

Top Row:Mr. Westermann, Sandy Caswell, Gloria Countryman, Bonnie Schrader, Pat Cooper, Bob Darling, Lee Vaughn, Alan Ritchey, Floyd Grandorff, Gary Calpito

Mr. Westermann's 7th Grade Students (individual photos):

Top Row: LaVern Delaney, Sue James, Ray Betts, Sandy Caswell, Lee Vaughn, Linda Tapper

Second Row: Maurice DuPuis, Gary Calpito, Curt King, Leta Blurton, Leslie Larson, Gloria Countryman, Jim Crank, Lauraine Garske, Theodore Jacob Billmann

Third Row: Carol Gehrman, Sandy Oviatt, Michael Foister, Fred Frederickson, Penny Qualey, Camille Strand, George Bangert, Sally Slusher, Garvin Decker

Bottom Row: Oma Threlfall, Bonnie Schrader, George Wickholm, Danny Taylor, Bill Scalf, _______, Bob Darling, Pat Cooper, Alan Ritchey

(The other 7th grade teacher was Mr. Rosacrans.  We need class and individual student photos from his class too!)

7th Grade Basketball Team

Left to right, LaVern Delaney, Gary Seymour, Jim Crank, Bob Darling, Mr. Westermann, Lee Vaughn, Ray Betts, Vic Fagerness

EIGHTH GRADE: 1960-1961

Mrs. Owens' 8th Grade Students:

Front Row: Ted Billman, Gary Calpito, Danny Taylor, Mike Foister, Gary Seymour, Dale Ames, LaVern Delaney, Darrel Clark, George Wickholm

Second Row: George Bangert, Sandra Cooper, Sally Slusher, Georgie Stiles, Lauraine Garske, Camille Strand, Lois Carlson, Carol Gehrman, Teresa Caswell, Leta Blurton, Penny Qualey, Ed Camus

Third Row: Virginia Davis, Leslie Larson, Sandy Caswell, Sandy Oviatt, Donna Rossman, Gloria Countryman, Pat Cooper, Bonnie Schrader, Susan Danielson, Linda Tapper, Emma Morris, Sue James, Nellie Pannkuk, Bill Scalf, Mrs. Owens, Fred Frederickson

Top Row: Tom Butcher, Ray Betts, Vic Fagerness, Lee Vaughn, Bob Darling, Alan Ritchey, Jim Crank, Garvin Decker, Art Felix

Eighth Grade Graduation Program: